  • utorok, 11. októbra 2022
  • Eindhoven
  • DAF Trucks N.V.

Nové stredisko jazdených nákladných vozidiel v Madride

K dispozícii je približne 200 starostlivo vybraných vozidiel

V Madride sa otvorilo úplne nové stredisko jazdených nákladných vozidiel DAF, ktoré ponúka nepretržitú možnosť výberu z približne 200 takmer nových jazdených nákladných vozidiel DAF. Uvedenie tohto strediska do prevádzky spĺňa rastúci dopyt po už vlastnených nákladných vozidlách DAF na Pyrenejskom polostrove a zdôrazňuje cieľ spoločnosti DAF Trucks naďalej posilňovať sieť svojich jazdených nákladných vozidiel v celej Európe.


DAF Used Trucks Centre Madrid concentrates completely on young pre-owned DAF vehicles and offers carefully selected trucks from the DAF, PACCAR Financial and PacLease organisations. The new Used Truck Centre in Madrid is strategically located, right next to the A2 highway which connects Madrid with Zaragoza and Barcelona. 

First Choice: full manufacturer's warranty

Almost all trucks offered by the DAF Used Truck Centre Madrid come with DAF’s First Choice label, indicating that vehicles are younger than five years, have clocked no more than 600,000 kilometres and have always been maintained perfectly by an official DAF dealer. First Choice trucks – also available at approximately 200 European DAF dealer locations – are in excellent condition thanks to a full technical inspection on no less than 200 points. They are available with driveline or even full warranty. Like all new DAF trucks, DAF First Choice vehicles can be financed by PACCAR Financial and be delivered with a MultiSupport Repair & Maintenance contract for maximum insight in cost per kilometre and optimal uptime.

‘A formula for success’

“Bringing together a large number of high-quality pre-owned DAF trucks has proven to be a formula for success”, stated Gerrit-Jan Bas, managing director of PACCAR Financial Europe and responsible for DAF Used Trucks. “Our centres offer a wide range of pure excellence DAF vehicles in a wide range of versions and specifications – and all these as-good-as-new trucks are characterized by low operating costs, industry leading reliability and the highest level of driver comfort.”



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Rutger Kerstiens
Corporate Communications Department

Tel.: +31 (0)40 214 4191

Rutger Kerstiens